mavrogheni's church is not very far away from sf. gheorghe's church, on the same side of the street while you go towards intercontinental bhotel/b, just the second street on right is nicolae mavrogheni where the curch is situated. b....../bbBrodau/b ? ?pictau?invatau copiii carte. Da ! corect. Ingrijeau bolnavii?erau si doctori in acelasi timp?cred ca isi ajutau semenii fiindca asta trebuiau sa faca. Ei depun acolo niste juraminte cand devin preoti?iar unul din ele este sa nu ...
The Sorcerer?s Apprentice, starring Nicolas Cage, is filming ahead of The Apthorp (Broadway and 78th St, NYC), from 12 PM-6 AM. (Thanks Alex!) Did You Hear About The Morgans, a rom-com starring SJP and Hugh Grant, is filming near b.../b